The Story Behind Music
The Thing you need to know about music is that music is a spiritual thing
music is something that transcends this world music is something that transcends the barrier of language
Music has the power to touch the very bottom of your soul music has the power to move your spirit music has the power to pull people together and even tear them apart
There is a power in music which we cannot see with our natural mind but we can sure feel that power with our Soul and Spirit you know I am telling the truth
music has the power to change your mood one song can change your mood for being cheerful to being sorrowful one song can remind you of your childhood
one song can bring Memories Back of the saddest and lowest points of your life
One Song can evoke emotions that you don’t even know you had inside you
you know I am telling the truth don’t take music lightly I warned you not to take secular music
lightly but there is always one person who says but it’s only music or it’s just songs
but is it really
2nd Chronicles 5:13 and 14 came even to pass as the trumpeters and singers words want to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the lord and when they lifted up there voice with the trumpets and symbols and instruments of music and praise the Lord
saying for he is good for his mercy endureth forever that then the house was filled with the cloud
Even the house of the Lord so that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God
this was The Cloud of Glory seen often in the Old and New Testaments sometimes called the cloud of Shekinah Glory
here it is manifested in a flash
but notice what the people were doing when this happened they were lifting up their voices and making music that praise the Lord
at the dedication of Solomon’s Temple the Levites who were in The Music Ministry United their voices in praise and thanksgiving to the most high they worshiped the unequal greatness of the king of kings and God came down physically in the form of a cloud and filled the whole Temple the temple was said to be filled with the cloud and such that the priest could not stand to minister apart from when God came down on the mountain not to prove himself to the Israelites
the other times he manifested and almost visible forms had something to do with worship from the Music Arena God joined Paul and Silas in the prison when they prayed and sang to the most high with 2nd Chronicles 5 and 13 and 14
Keep in mind I want you to think if the glory of God can come down when people are praising God what do you think happens when people are playing music that exalts all of the immoralities the music industry promotes
ask yourself this question if I am singing a song about being promiscuous what type of spirit am I plugged in myself into
if you are listening to a song about violence what type of spirit do you think you were plugging yourself into
I remember a story of a young man who used to be a gangster and in his testimony he spoke of the power of music anytime before he would commit a robbery or a drive-by he would be absolutely terrified to the point where he would not want to commit the crime
he would be scared to get caught he would be scared to hurt someone but as soon as he put his headphones on and started playing heavy rock music he wouldn’t care anymore he didn’t care about getting caught or hurting someone it was as if demonic courage came up on him
now I am sure you have all experienced something not identical but similar to this there are certain songs I used to listen to when I was in the gym lifting weights and I don’t know what it was about those songs but when I heard the songs I could just go a little harder or lift weights just a little bit heavier
music has power now think what happens to you as an individual when you listen to songs that are busy promoting Lust Fornacation and adultery
do you think songs like that are pulling you closer to the Lord or pulling you closer to the lusts of the flesh
you may wonder why you were struggling with a particular sin but you spend all day and night listening to songs that encourages that very same sin
you find people who carelessly listen to the songs anyway they could care less what the lyrics were whatsoever
they know every word of the song but they have never stopped to think about what exactly the lyrics of that song Or attempting to convey
I am sorry to say this but there are mainstream songs out there that actively worship the devil in their lyrics and churchgoers actually sing the secular songs because they are catchy and they have a nice beat to them
if the presence of God can come where the Lord is being worshiped and exalted when the devil is being exempt
There are even articles that I have read where people who left the occult have stated some of the music videos that we see on TV are representations of occult ceremony
and in all honesty that does not surprise me.
Be Encouraged to be selective of what you listen to be selected to what you play in your home you need to understand that the devil will do all he can to enter into the life of a person and what I see creeping more and more into the church is quote-unquote Christian artist that look no different to secular music
we as the body of Christ have been called out of the world and not to be like the work just because a song says God 3 times in that song it does not mean that that song is a Christian song or that it is a Christian artist you need to be Discerning with what music you listen to even if it is labeled as Christian music
is that music exalting a man or is it exalting Jesus there is a great Supernatural power behind music whether you believe it or not every form of music you here has a spiritual influence music stems from the realm of the spirit and that is why it has such a great influence on the heart of human beings
come now don’t be ignorant to this just look at how one Song can make you feel music is not only relevant on Earth it began from heaven and it Remains the only Ministry that predates time and will continue to be relevant after time
at one point preaching will cease Bible study will end even Faith won’t last forever when we are in heaven we won’t need faith in God because we will be able to see him as clear as day but music my friend music is an eternal ministry
as you are listening to me right now angels are exhausting and praising and worshiping God Isaiah 6 and 3 Revelation 4 and 8 says one Cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the is the Lord of hosts
the whole earth is full of his glory Revelation 4:8 and the four beasts had each of them six wings about him and they were full of eyes within and they rest not day and night saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is to come music is a powerful thing
some Bible scholars argue that Ezekiel 28 and 13 that Satan was involved with music and has some even argue that he was the head musician in heaven
Ezekiel 28:13 He has been in Eden the Garden of God every precious stone was that covering the sardius topaz and the diamond the borough the Onyx and the Jasper the sapphire the emerald and the carbuncle and gold the workmanship of thy tabrets and of light pipes was prepared in the in the day that down was created
1st Samuel 16 22 and 23 said to Jesse saying let David stand before me for he has found favor in my sight and if it come to pass when the evil spirit from God was upon saw that David took and harp and played with a song he was refreshed and was well and the evil spirit departed from him
The healing of saul came from David’s heart
One Believes concerning the identity and or scope of the evil distressing spirit this much is clear the music has the power to cause the spirit to depart from saul
the implications here are important for the discussion of the morality of music because the ability of David’s music to interrupt spiritual oppression qualifies its moral substance
the text is not implying by any stretch of the imagination that music has the power to deliver men from their sin only the Gospel of Jesus Christ contains that atoning power the point here is that the music created by David evidenced the unique ability to either directly remove the distressing spirit or indirectly create an atmosphere where by the spirit could no longer distress Saul
both possibilities direct us to the same conclusion the elements of David’s music were able to render the spirit unable or unwilling to continue with suppression of Saul
one must not relegated to obscurity this representation of Music power
a Chinese philosopher believe that if one could desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed if its morals are good or bad the quality of its music will furnish the answer just stop and think music stop this evil spirit from being able to torment so people of God there is a power in music.