Power Of Music/ Testimony For God/We Are Hope
Offering hope starts with faith a faith that only is inspired by the Bible. The actual word of God, as told in Genesis we learn that the word of God is the “word”. I do not know about you but, for me this is rather powerful!
In my journey, I have had many lessons, and quite a few blessings and along the way I have had the pleasure in meeting many people from all walks of life. Unknown to me at the time on how I came to know these people I later in my journey came to realize that God, was in the mist of it all.
For instance meeting the daughter of music icon Ray Charles’ I would have a unique testimony for the kingdom.
Let me explain, I first met Sheila Raye Charles’ after having a dream where God would visit me and give me lyrics to a song that would go on to be the “Song Of The Year” performed by Sheila, and presented by the Music & Entertainment Association. Sheila’s management contacted me when they learned of my song. Being an award winning songwriter, I had earned a great reputation for my self in my songwriting abilities to contribute to some high ranking names in the music industry. The song became known {as the song of hope}.
In the songs message, humanity is encouraged as to their calling and contribution to inspire hope for oneself and each other.
The point I am making here is that each person you may encounter has a reason and a purpose for crossing paths with you. For me meeting Sheila, not only brought a friendship and a bond of unity, it offered a since of hope and a purpose in sharing with humanity. You see, I was going through cancer and the song enlightened me and brought me closer to God for a higher purpose that would bring my testimony to a book release {The Resurrection Of Hope Through Jesus Christ} and a healing beyond measure.
I was not your average cancer victim I had two cancers. Large B Lymphoma, and Burkitts Cancer, at stage 3 going into stage 4 my diagnosis was not good. But the journey inspired the word of hope in me through the promises of God/Jesus. In the journey I not only am a survivor but I was able to bring hope to others as well as myself.
I had made a good friend in Sheila, and unfortunately Sheila, had past on to Breast cancer only a couple years later. However, her contributions to deliver hope remains in the awarded song of hope that will live and continue to touch others until the end of time Her voice will echo in the hearts the inspired message of hope.
The song also known and entitled, “We Are Hope”. Both Sheila and I know that this song was indeed Gods song a message to humanity given in a time when hope was needed in my journey along with others I am sure.
Had I not embraced the song because of my unwavering faith and obeyed the voice with in then I would not be here to share Gods song or my testimony. I can not think of a time or season in history this meassage is needed more than now!
Please share my post and testimony with friends and loved ones we may not truly know what they may be thinking or going through.
We all have a purpose for being here it could be very minor, or it may be a bigger task but it has been my experience that small ones are the bridge to the bigger ones such as this one was. May you be inspired to soul search and share your testimony with others it just might save their life!