My People Suffer From A Lack Of Knowledge
Faith is a foundation we have had opportunity to since the beginning of time. Going to church on Sunday morning was part of our Sunday schedule
and spending time with family was not just something we looked forward to but served as a past time that served as the glue that grounded families and held them together. Each family member knew what their role was and it was carried out with dignity, love, and respect that formed the foundation of not only families but society as a whole. It built our character and fed out faith.
Having freedoms that allowed not just a group of people but all people to live by their faith with free choices that gave life to a thriving society. Choices that came from ones faith and the word of God found in the Holy Bible.
But, as time passed by like an hour glass leaders as well as parents have fallen short influenced by media, and entertainment that began to paint a new foundation being accepted as the new society.
Not realizing that their faith being the grounded rock{ Word Of God}would slowly be chipped at until we land in a time and season of non-believers and game changers that are now building up a society that goes against the Holy word of God.
Role modeling for our youth which will serve the leadership roles in society in the future. Roles that bring chaos, confusion, violence, among other out of control behaviors that open the door to sin, and a lack of faith and belief in God. What is wrong now has become right. The guide of common sense has took a back seat to popularity and rebellion. Laws have taken the power from parents to lead their children into strong faith, integrity and character respected by their peers and leaders who have great influence on their lives and their futures.
[Enter]tainment being the new modern doctrine that teach what the Holy Bible spoke of warning the generations of a time when lawlessness would be the basis of which society would embrace. Psalms 118–8 “ It is better to trust in the Lord then to put confidence in man” Jeremiah17–5 Cursed is the one who trust in man. Who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord.
Hosea 4–6 My People suffer from a lack of knowledge because they have rejected knowledge, I reject thee that thou be no priest to me; see thou has forgotten the law of thy God. I will also forget thy children.
Is there no wonder why our children are loss and run amuck? Music being the door that leads them astray. People have no real knowledge of music because they have turned away from the Bible and rather than pick up sound doctrine they pick up the doctrine of demons. Their phones offer many paths to sin, idolatry, chaos, deception, through media and entertainment.
Artist are worshipped at all cost parents paying thousands for 1 hour of indoctrination. Taylor Swift, one if not the most popular among the youth called “Swifties” hold her in great esteem. Known for her incantations and witch acclaims she holds websites that indoctrinate our impressionable youth with her music that cast spells to those ears that hear her invoking spells.
Many videos have been out warning parents, fans and listeners to be careful of her music and her presence.
What people must understand, is what music is and where it came from. The Bible speaks much on Lucifer a powerful archangel created by God
Ezekiel 28:13 of the KJV and NKJV seems to hint that Satan was involved with music in Heaven. The NKJV says, “The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created.
Many Bible Scholars believe it may be possible that music know in heaven was created for God to glorify his name in the highest of praise.
The full story on Lucifer is in his rebellion he fell from the grace of God My question to you is if he was given the role of music conductor and his instruments were built within him. What then can we see and expect from an evil being that walks to and fro on the earth to seek who he may devour?
Common sense says, he would use his gift music to destroy humankind.
All one has to do is know the word of God and use it to compare and reference what we now see among humanity.
Music is powerful supernatural source a spiritual gift given to one of the most powerful archangels who basically was so evil he was kicked out of heaven.
Many ask the question and make statements that when he fell his gift of music stayed with him but became dark and sinister. Today’s music offers darker music with lyrics of violence and destruction. The Bible teaches that our tongue has the ability to speak life and death. It encourages to speak life. Proverbs 18–21
Speaking words manifest our thought and desires of our hearts if we only believe. Ephesians 4–29 Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only that which builds up according to their needs that it might benefit those who listen
My point and message in this article is to seek knowledge that comes only from the Bible. You can not trust preachers, artist, musicians or anyone to explain the word of God you are responsible for knowing what the Bible says and to teach those under your leadership because it influence our world, society, children and paints our future, and the eternal life of judgement.
Mark 8 34–38 For whosoever will safe his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the Gospels shall save it. For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his very soul?
The Holy Bible KJV